For Readers
@Y.A.Hype: My writing group’s Instagram, chock full of YA love and stories!
Curiositales: Free bookish e-zine with author interviews, recipes, and more
Love at First Chapter: Subscribe to get sneak peeks of awesome new YA novels
For Writers
Author in Progress: Blog of my journey to get Daughters of a Dead Empire published! And other writing adventures along the way.
Author Mentor Match: Semiannual competition for unpublished writers with a completed manuscript, to team up with a published/agented author to help you navigate your career
DVPit: Semiannual Twitter pitch contest popular with agents, for writers from backgrounds traditionally excluded from publishing
Alexa Donne: YouTube channel by the founder of AuthorMentorMatch, with tons of great advice for writers at every stage of their journey
For Historians
The Tsar’s Photographer: Colorized photographs of Russia at the turn of the 20th century
Six Years at the Russian Court: Diary of a governess who took care of Anastasia and her sisters
The Great War: An excellent series of YouTube videos describing WWI week by week, exactly 100 years later
The Devil’s Wall: A real place featured in Daughters of a Dead Empire
The Devastating True Story of the Romanov Family’s Execution: Article by renowned historian Simon Sebag Montefiore
The Revolution - A Bibliography: Some of my favorite books on the Russian Revolution
For Wanderers
Kidlit Walking Tours: A few Google maps I created to explore NYC sites from classic children’s books.
Best of The 100: My favorite ‘The 100’ fanvids on YouTube.
Greatest Fanvids Out There: More faves, across fandoms; what can I say? I love fanvids!